Committee 2023/24
We are a group of parents who are passionate about supporting the school.
Our objectives are to:
- Identify and represent the views of parents on matters relating to the education and wellbeing of our children
- Work actively in partnership with the whole school community to help every child maximise their potential
- Work actively in partnership with national and regional authorities
- Lobby and advocate for the needs of parents and pupils at all levels
- Develop and engage in activities that support the school in relation to the education and wellbeing of pupils, including influencing the design and implementation of the School Improvement Plan
- Support the ‘Friends of Peebles High School’ Charity
- Work with school staff to create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all parents
- Act in a manner consistent with the values of the school and ethos of the parent council
- Be open and inclusive
The Parent Council meets around 6 times per academic year.
Meetings are usually attended by the Head Teacher, with other members of staff attending individual meetings depending on the agenda. Meetings are occasionally attended by pupil representatives, Scottish Borders Council representatives or community representatives where relevant items are being considered. Meetings are public, meaning all parents and carers are welcome to attend.
Working Groups
The Parent Council only had one fully operational working group for 2022/23 but also assisted the school with 2 further areas of development.
The New Build Working Group is expected to run for the duration of the new school project and aims to ensure parent voice is represented throughout the design and build process and to support staff with the transition of learning to the new facilities. The group have been very busy throughout the past 3 years to advocate for the best possible facilities for our young people.
Parents are supporting the school’s Equalities Working Group to review the school’s Respect policy and expect the revised policy to be launched by the end of the academic year.
Parents are supporting a review of the school uniform policy along with pupils and staff and expect the outcome of this work to be shared with parents by the end of the academic year to inform purchases of new uniform over the summer holidays.
Getting Involved
Any parent or carer of a pupil at the school is able to join the Parent Council, support a working group or share their views and ideas.
We are conscious of peoples’ busy lives and are grateful for whatever contribution parents are able to make. Even if you are only able to come to one or two meetings a year, we’d be very pleased to see you.
For more information on our activities please contact the Chair of the Parent Council, Sarah Duncan, at [email protected] and follow us on Facebook (PHS Parents) and Twitter (@PHSParents)d