Welcome new students!

A welcome introduction for new students and parents to PHS

School Calendar 2023-24

Academic year calendar with key dates for parents & carers is available on the school website

Online Learning Resources

Online resources to help your child learn at home. Includes help with Show My Homework.

Parent Council

Next Parent Council meeting: TBC in new school session 2024/25 

Minutes and papers from previous Parent Council meetings can be found here: Parent Council

Inspire Learning

Having an issue with your iPad?  Check this guide for what to do. 

Need to upload work from Glow into Teams?  This guide is what you want.

Need additional help?  Check out these flowcharts:     iPad        Microsoft Apps

Local Councillors

Tweeddale West

  • Drummond Begg
  • Eric Small
  • Viv Thomson

Tweeddale East

  • Marshall Douglas
  • Julie Pirone
  • Robin Tatler