Online Learning Resources

Below you can find many subject specific resources for studying online.  Be sure to also check out this helpful revision advice!

All students should also read these 14 study tips and ideas that really work.

Our school has an intranet service that offers online resources called GLOW (your child has the password) from S1- Advanced Higher:

Managing mental health through exams

Inspire Learning Digital Support

All Years

e-sgoil study support national resource offering a wide range of real-time, interactive Study Support webinar lessons to help consolidate school-based learning.

BBC bitesize learning (Click on subject- example here is English)

BBC Scotland Learn

Scotland learns – National Improvement Hub A range of ideas and suggestions of activities to help parents, carers and practitioners support learning at home.

Remote Learning Support – National Improvement Hub  A summary of a range of support on remote learning that is available from national organisations:

Education Scotland

TES Secondary home learning resources

West Of Scotland Partnership – an evolving platform providing recorded learning experiences for children and young people across Scotland. Whenever. Wherever.  Available now via Glow and students need to download the APP on their glow site.

Senior Phase

Pupils in S4-6 can use above but note there are additional resources for those studying national qualifications.

National 5


An amazing resource !! (Introductory video)
( online lectures- password given at school- please ask again if lost or share with a friend)

BrightRed Books – Free online resources for N5 and Higher

All Years, Other links:

Log on or buy online resources here for Scottish students

Kindle App Getting started with Kindle 

Tools for reading on Kindle

More videos to support your home learning can be found on our YouTube channel at

PHS Inspire Learning

Support for learners (iPad)

There is lots of revision material on Microsoft Teams (e.g. HW sheets, Revision Quizzes, Microsoft Forms Multiple choice questions, links to useful websites).  Your child will have a login to this.

Past SQA Papers

BrightRed Books – Free online resources for N5 and Higher

National 4 Biology
National 4 Online Textbook

National 5 Biology
BBC Bitesize for National 5 Biology 

Mrs Muir’s Biology website

Mr Mitchell’s YouTube channel

Scholar (students should have a login)

National 5 Biology videos

Nat 5 Revision Resources

Higher Biology
Oronsay Biology. Quizzes, crosswords and matching exercises.

BBC Bitesize for New Higher Biology. 

SCHOLAR Biology: Notes, interactive activities, animations for Higher Biology. 

Higher Human Biology
SCHOLAR Human Biology:  Notes, interactive activities, animations for Higher Human Biology.

Advanced Higher Biology
SCHOLAR Biology:  Notes, interactive activities, animations for Advanced Higher Biology (Currently under development).

Glasgow Science Centre

BrightRed Books – Free online resources for N5 and Higher

Past SQA Papers

BrightRed Books – Free online resources for N5 and Higher

OneDrive on Glow has many resources specific for students of History at PHS

BBC Bitesize History N5

BBC Bitesize History Higher

Past SQA Papers

BrightRed Books – Free online resources for N5 and Higher