PHS Taskforce
(note: PHS Taskforce used to be known as PHS 200)
We aim to support and enhance the effectiveness of the education of our children at Peebles High by offering a flexible and fast response from a number of parents who are task focused, offering skills, knowledge and labour to complete tasks that would otherwise require input from scarce school resources.
PHS Taskforce are a group of task focused volunteers who offer our skills and labour to support the school to do tasks that often use up valuable resources. These tasks are often taken up by school staff. In doing so we hope to help release the staff to be able to do the work that is so valued by the students in teaching and learning. We are fast, flexible and based locally. We do anything from putting letters in envelopes to IT design work. We have no formal meetings, chairs, secretaries etc. If you have any time at all to offer (often during school hours), we would love your help.
A few of the things PHS Taskforce have done since coming together:
- Painted the Music Corridor, and framed pictures
- Oxbridge / VetMed practice interviews
- S6 university practice interviews
- Scribing at prelim and exam time
- Working with Pastoral to investigating the pinchpoints created at exam time / tests etc & impact on young people’s mental health
- Helping at various events: German exchange concert and ceilidh, Christmas and Spring concerts
- Cleaning the artwork over the staircase leading to the lower crush hall
- Creating communication tools for the school eg email system, calendar, newsletters, website design and creation, newspaper articles etc.
- Making new curtains for the assembly hall
- Planning and running the school Career Fair
- Planning with the school for the design of and generating community support for the School Sports Facility Planning application.
- Helping in the creation of the Hall of Heroes
- Stakeholder surveys and analysis
- Generating campaigns for fundraising for PHS Lottery
To join the PHS Taskforce please fill in our registration form to let us know the ways in which you would be happy to help!
Watch out for individual appeals for help on Facebook and Twitter!